They may not have won the Powerball Jackpot, but the New Year is off to a great start for three Braum’s employees! And, it’s all thanks to a partnership between Braum’s and Dr Pepper.
Braum’s is proud to congratulate Yong Soon Saw of Norman, OK, Michelle Casso of Canyon, TX and Torri Rillema of Oklahoma City, OK for winning a $1,000 employee tuition award. Braum’s hosted a text to win contest in conjunction with Dr Pepper to award three $1,000 employee tuition prizes. The contest took place from October 1st to November 30th, 2015.

“I am so thankful that I was able to win this tuition award,” said Saw, who transferred from Malaysia to attend school at The University of Oklahoma in Norman. “I am working really hard to cover all my living expenses so that my family does not have to send money to me while I am here attending school. The monetary exchange rate between here and Malaysia is extremely high, which is why I am so happy that this award will help cut down on the cost of school.”
Saw attended college in Malaysia for two years before transferring to Oklahoma to study finance. He works at the Braum’s off of Robinson and Porter in Norman to cover his cost of living, but during the year and a half that he has been there it has become more like his home away from home.
“Saw is one of my best workers,” said Braum’s Manager Misty Dunbar. “He is always a joy to be around and his work ethic just can’t be beat!”
Hard work and dedication were a common theme among all the Braum’s employee winners, including Casso.

“Thank you Braum’s and Dr Pepper for this wonderful opportunity to help further my education,” said Casso. “I am surrounded by inspiring people; from my professors, to my family, to my coworkers, and to my friends. They’re all hard working people who produce quality work and care about bettering not only themselves, but also bettering the community.”
Casso is currently a junior at West Texas A&M University and is studying music education. She has been with Braum’s for four years.
The third winner was Torri Rillema. She has also been with the company for four years and said that the award came at the perfect time.
“Between the generous help from my family and this award, I will be able to get this semester paid for and remain debt free,” she said. “All of my hard work these last four years, at work and school, is definitely starting to pay off!”
Rillema is currently a senior at the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma studying Elementary Education.
This is the third year that Braum’s and Dr Pepper have been working together to award tuition prizes and it just continues to evolve.

“We love being able to provide a contest that can help our employees with their higher education costs, and in turn, help fulfill their dreams,” said Drew Braum, President and CEO. “These three are extremely hard workers and great assets to the company. We wish them the best of luck in all their endeavors.”
The Dr Pepper tuition award can be used to cover college or post-secondary vocational institutional tuition, fees, books, supplies, equipment, related educational expenses or on-campus room and board. The tuition award can also be used to pay off student loans for eligible costs.